Fire Hydrant Replacements

(Update) Monday November 23th, 2020 10:00AM

The map below shows the locations of fire hydrant replacements. Some hydrants have been successfully replaced already and some are deferred to next years water project. The ones high-lighted in yellow are planned to be replaced Today and Tomorrow (23rd and 24th). Water shut offs to replace these hydrant may have wide spread impact on water access or pressure in the east part of the city during the day. Water will be restored before the evening and throughout the holiday weekend.

Hydrant Map2.jpg

(Update) Thursday November 19th, 2020 1:00PM

The map below shows the locations of fire hydrant replacements. Some hydrants have been successfully replaced already and some are deferred to next years water project. The ones high-lighted in yellow are planned to be worked on tomorrow (Friday the 20th). Water shut offs to replace these hydrant may have wide spread impact on water access or pressure in the east part of the city during the day. Water will be restored before the evening and throughout the weekend.

Hydrant MapFriday.jpg

Thursday November 19th, 2020 8:00AM

The contractors are finishing up the large water and sewer project by replacing a number of fire hydrants around the city. Due to complications discovered while excavating old hydrants, the installation of new ones requires replacing their connection at the water main. This requires water shut offs and may take a couple hours to complete. With multiple hydrant locations and the contractors running multiple crews it is difficult to predict when those shut offs will occur. The areas impacted by the shut offs with no water or low water pressure are also difficult to trace because the east water tower has been emptied for maintenance.

Be on alert, if you see or hear works crews repairing hydrants near you, you are likely to be effected by the water shut offs. Have some water set aside and please let the workers focus on their tasks so they can expedite this process.

These hydrant replacement will continue into next week. Water shut offs should only occur during work hours from 7AM - 7PM during the week, unless there is a construction emergency. If you don’t have water in the evening or over the weekend, check this post for any updates. If it’s an emergency, the City Hall message system can direct you to MACC dispatch.

  • When substantially complete and the utility infrastructure is fully operational per the contract, work crews will continue to clean up and make repairs around the city.

  • The City will post updates about the fire hydrant replacements on this news post, and City Hall staff can answer questions during normal business hours.

Again, thank you for your patience as the contractor wraps up this project.

Welcome Back Council Member Kat Sanderson

Emergency Water Shut Off (11/17/20)