Soap Lake Creative District Update

Next Planning Meeting: August 24, 6pm


The next Soap Lake Creative District (SLCD) committee meeting will take place at the Soap Lake Community and Senior Center. All are welcome to attend!

At our July 20 meeting we heard progress updates, talked about our current schedule, distributed brochures and posters about our committee work, and took into consideration community projects we might take on now, while we are in this planning process.

Our upcoming agenda will include status reports on progress with community identity, partnerships, and district administration.

We will review proposals for interim projects: repairs to the Totem Pole and gazebo at the corner of Canna Street North and Main Street East, installation of the SL Centennial sculpture in front of City Hall, a new placard to mark the location of the Calling the Healing Waters sculpture and sundial, and painting of a mural on a downtown building.

As a group, we will complete an Asset map template. This will be an open discussion to identify the resources in our area and understand how these resources are connected.

We hope to see you all there!

What is “Setting the Groundwork?” This is a set of tasks that facilitate a focus on the basic characteristics of our proposed Creative District: 

·       Vision, Mission Values - completed

·       Geography & Built Environment Characteristics - completed

·       Artistic and Cultural Activities, and Creative Industries – near completion – wrapping up during the August 24 meeting

·       Community demographics and identity – demographics completed; identity in process

·       Partnerships – in process; we’ll continue to look for working partners as we enter District Development and Promotion

·       District Administration – near completion; waiting for final agreement from the City

·       Asset map template – August 24 meeting

What is the timeline for planning and application? Our estimated timeline is shown in the diagram below. The schedule is flexible, so we can allow plenty of time for thoughtful and participatory community engagement.

More details about how the process works can be found at the links listed here.

Additional Resources:

·       ArtsWA Creative District website

·       CD Program Handout

·       Certification Guidelines

·       Community Readiness Workbook (aka Toolkit)

·       Washington’s Creative Economy – video about creative economies in our state

·       City of Tenino Creative District – learn about Tenino’s CD, their strategy statement and goals

For more information or questions, please contact the committee by email at

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Prevention Coalition Survey: July 15- November 15