(UPDATE May 6, 2022)
A reminder about water work and temporary water shut offs and potential low water pressure. Please read the April 25th update below. Also remaining sewer grant funds have supported additional sewer work located on the map below. Workin these areas will begin early May and continue through the month. Contractor crews are expected to shift their work schedules from Tuesday - Friday to accommodate paving restoration work starting early May. Thank you for your patience while the City makes these much needed improvements!
(UPDATE April 25, 2022)
PLEASE NOTE: Residents should be prepared for temporary water shut-offs as contractors are connecting replaced water mains near the following locations. Additionally, there may low water pressure experienced City wide for 2-3 weeks as these new water mains are bing connected:
1 block radius from Main Ave E and Fern St. at the beginning of the week of April 25. Complete!
1 block radius from Daisy St. between 1st NE and 4th NE during middle of the week of April 25. Complete!
1-2 blocks reach along Main Ave W, between Cherry and Maple St. toward the end of the week of April 25 and the following week of May 2nd. Through the week of May 9th and potentially first part of the week of May 16th.
Be prepared and store some gallon jugs of water. Contractors will leave reminders at impacted homes 24 hours before they start work and shut off water. Water shut-offs will only occur during the day. Please call City Hall and press 9, if you do not have water service returned after 5:30pm. Thank you for your patience!
(UPDATE March 19th, 2022)
Sewer Construction Crews will be finishing up in the alleys off of Daisy St. and near Smokiam Park through the end of March. The Sewer extension in the South part of town will begin the end of March and will impact Division St S through the first part of April. Water Crews are getting prepared for water improvements at Smokiam Park near the Visitor Information Center and at 1st NE. Preparations along Main Ave W. have also being started, and work is expected to continue through April. Please be on alert in April for temporary water shut offs near Main Ave. W when water tie-ins are being made. Asphalt repairs are expected to replace temporary patches starting mid-April. See maps below.
(UPDATE March 4th, 2022)
Construction crews will continue to work along Daisy Street through Mid March and start work at 1st Ave NE by Smokiam Park toward the end of March. Clean up and restoration crews will be working throughout the completed sewer work areas throughout March. See the updated map below.
(UPDATE Feb 15th, 2022)
The construction schedule has moved up the work on Main Ave E & Gladiola St. S. See the updated map below.
(UPDATE Feb 10th, 2022)
See the updated construction schedule and locations below. Sewer crews working along Daisy Street will finish up in the north area mid February and move south through the end of February. Temporary road patching will be put in place until asphalt plants open this spring to allow for final road repairs. Sewer mains will be installed moving out from the Daisy Street work in the south area through the end of February.
(UPDATE Jan 25th, 2022)
Snow and weather pushes back construction start by 2 weeks. While equipment mobilization and surveys have already started, shovels break ground this week of Jan 24-28th. Remember to get familiar with and plan for construction disruptions as noted below. Thank you!
Additional construction on Daisy Street this week of Jan. 24th -28th, is the Quincy Basin Irrigation District working on the interceptor well pump for the Bureau of Reclamation. This work is separate from the Sewer/Water Phase III project.
(UPDATE Dec 29th, 2021)
Construction on Sewer and Water Phase III improvements will begin the first week of January. The majority of construction will continue through April. The area of sewer work will start near the north end of Daisy Street and progress south as shown below. Water work will begin in February. Check back on this news page for updates as the project progresses. Thank you!
Construction crews are are scheduled to work four 10 hour days at this time.
Street asphalt and concrete curb and sidewalk repairs come after main line work and there may be delays due to scheduling. Temporary gravel and asphalt patches will be used through April, including those on Daisy Street, until asphalt plants resume normal operations and final repairs can be made.
When construction is in your area please plan for changes to your garbage pickup, for restriction to street parking, and utility service disruptions. Please put your garbage out as you normally would but the night before your scheduled pickup day, and the contractors will move your garbage bins to were they can be picked up then return them to your property after garbage has been collected. Please don’t park on the street when construction is near you.
With the high wind speeds we have been experiencing, be aware you may experience high levels of construction dust. Work crews water the roads but there is only so much prevention that can be provided at reasonable cost.
Unplanned water shut offs may be necessary, so please be on alert when you see or hear construction in your area. These shut offs should only be temporary, from work hours between 7am and 3pm during the week. Water should be running over nights and through the weekends.
Contact City Hall with any questions, and thank you for your patience as we work through this project this year. The inconvenience is only temporary and provides for decades of utility system health.
(ORIGINAL POST Nov 17th, 2021)
The Sewer and Water Phase III improvements are being bid on and construction is planned to start early 2022. Get to know the areas that will be impacted by construction in 2022 by reviewing the maps below. Check back on this news page for updates as the project progresses. Thank you!
Water improvements will include replacing water mains, some fire hydrants, and updating well houses.
Sewer improvements will include replacing sewer mains and waste water treatment facility repairs.
The project will also include a new sewer main extension to Purple Sage RV Development.