Construction for sewer and water system improvements is well underway in our town. As work progresses, you can get updates of where work is happening now and where it will move to next, by listening to the “City Projects Announcement’ by calling City Hall (509) 246-1211 or visiting the City’s webpage:
Construction is necessary for maintaining a healthy water and sewer utility system, but it does create disruptions and a temporary inconvenience. These are helpful tips from the folks who live near current construction activity.
The City municipal code allows construction noise to begin as early as 7AM and continue as late 9PM. Work crews are currently scheduled to work 12 hour days, so there will be plenty of noise but nights will be quiet.
Garbage pickup:
Just put out your garbage as normal, and the construction crews will move them to where they can be picked up and return them for you. Put bins out the night before to be sure they get moved. Call City Hall if you’re in a situation that needs extra attention.
The construction crews water the roads to keep dust down as they work. But with the high winds we get, expect higher dust levels while open pits and trenches are left exposed over nights and weekends. Road repairs will finish the construction and return dust levels back to normal at the end of the project.
Water Shut-Offs:
Construction crews will do their best to notify the public if there will be a water shut-off, but with many variables and moving schedules, unexpected water shut-offs may occur. These should only happen during construction hours 7AM to 3PM, so notify City Hall if your water has been shut off overnight. Keep a couple gallon jugs of water available in case you need water at a time water is temporarily shut off.
Help keep the construction process on pace by letting the crews stay on task. It also helps to minimize water use when sewer crews are working on main trunks in the alley. Thanks for all of your patience while we work through this and keep in mind that these repairs will minimize much more disruptive and unexpected failures from main lines that are around 70 years old!